Price Match

Every day we check and compare all our competitors' prices so we can be confident that we are always offering you the very best value for money across many leading industry brands.

If you find a product cheaper, we will aim to price match it. It may not always be possible however we will do our best. All our products are brand new and come with manufacturers guarantee listed on the product details.

Before you send over a price match form, please make sure it meets the criteria listed below:

  • We will only price match UK companies, Price matching takes into account the full cost of a transaction including all taxes and shipping and excludes the use of special offer coupons or vouchers.
  • We can only price match like for like products.
  • All price match decisions are at the discretion of the Manager and Trading Depot will not match against companies selling seconds, used items, end of line, or loss leader products.
  • Any pricing matching must be requested before completing a transaction. We cannot carry out a price match request of an already completed transaction and/or when items have been delivered.
  • We are not able to price match promotions.
  • We will not price match auction sites, Amazon or eBay
  • We will not be able to offer further discount such as free delivery unless already stated on our website.

If you would like to go ahead, please fill in the form below, we will contact you via email to confirm if we can complete the price match. We do aim to respond within 24 hours.

What happens after I submit a Price Match?

Once price match is agreed, you can place your order in two separate ways:

  1. Place your order online as normal and we will refund any differences in cost.
  2. Alternatively, you can request a proforma, once payment has been received, we will manually raise the order for you.

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